South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Boca Lago Country Club
March 13, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Pres. Michael Lapkin. He greeted the governors and thanked Boca Lago Country Club for hosting a wonderful breakfast.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present except for The Fountains.
Jerry Kaye was the only past president in attendance.
There were no guests.
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Treasurer report: Richard North reported on our income and expenditures:
Opening Balance: $2,419.64
Check #120; ($153.57) for booklets
Dues: $2,800
New Balance: $5,066.07
President Lapkin reported on the recommendation of Manny Newman’s Incentive sub-committee that the winners of each division get a trophy to keep in addition to the championship trophy which is held for the year by the overall winner. They also suggested changing the designation of the divisions from 1 & 2 to names such as Palmer & Hogan.
The president also discussed the pace of play, the optional participation of pros in matches, and that we are still looking for a club to host the championship match on September 26 . He also clarified that the meeting on September 13 is on a Thursday, and that the meeting in December is on the 11th even though the booklet says the 12th.
An update of the marketing committee was given. They are planning on creating a YouTube video which will be narrated by Dick Stockton.
Mike Lapkin said that he and Jay Levine will review scoring procedures with club pros before the start of the season.
The president revisited the invitation by the general manager of Broken Sound, Mr. Crean, to all league members, club pros, golf chairs, etc. to attend a party at Broken Sound around the start of the season. There would be a buffet dinner, and open bar, and music. The cost to the participants would be $30 each. Spouses are not invited.
Committee Reports:
Scoring and Handicap........Jay Levine, Aberdeen
Jay said that he sent emails to all club pros relative to the new scoring system. He also pointed out that the new USGA rules will not take effect until next January, and the new handicap system won’t take effect until 2020.
Next meeting will be on June 12 at Stonebridge.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone