The meeting was called to order at 8:00. Roll was called. All clubs were present as were two past presidents.
Treasury report: There were no expenditures since the last report. We have $1057.13 in the bank.
Larry went over two rule changes that hadn’t been finalize at the last meeting. They were as follows:
The Board voted to delete the following two rules:
“If the home club chooses not to allow the visiting club at least two alternates, and a player drops out on either club after the 3:00 pm deadline on Tuesday, that player cannot be replaced.”
“Clubs must match the number of available players of the opposing club before entering alternates”.
The executive committee presented the following suggestions:
With 10 teams, we are recommending that we have two divisions determined by blind draw. Everyone would play home and away in their division and home or away out of their division. With byes, it would be a 15 week season plus 2 weeks for the playoffs.
We recommend that all clubs designate three of their regular tees or combos for our matches. There will no longer be yardage requirements.
We recommend that players play the tee of their choice including the third tee further back.
We recommend, "If both governors agree and they can find an acceptable time, a rain out can be rescheduled. Rain outs that are not rescheduled will still result in no points for either team.”
The Board voted to accept all four recommendations.
The new schedule was disclosed and Jay had every team draw golf balls to determine the division that they would play in.
The two divisions for 2025 will be:
Boca West, Boca Woods, Broken Sound, Hunters Run, & Wycliffe
Aberdeen, Delaire, Gleneagles, Polo, & Stonebridge
There was the annual election and the following people were voted in for two year terms by acclimation:
President Alan Rubinstein
Vice President Elliott Freiberg
Secretary Herb Lerner
Treasurer Terry Steinberg
Larry made comments reflecting on the past two years before welcoming Alan to the podium. Alan then accepted the podium, thanking Larry and the Executive Committee for their work this past year.
The following issues were discussed, to be re-evaluated for a future meeting:
Adding some competition to each match for a $5 or $10 throw in
Revisiting for the third straight year the visitor’s cost and breakfast
Reducing the annual club fee from $150 to $100 due to cash in bank
Sending a document to the players with league info and rule changes
It was voted on to move the future Governors’ meetings from 8:00 to 8:30 with breakfast beforehand, and it was decided to move up the next meeting to February 11th at Gleneagles.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00am.
Respectfully submitted:
Elliott Freiberg, Secretary