South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Broken Sound Country Club
Tuesday March 8, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 8:10 AM by Pres. Chuck Milber. He thanked the members of Broken Sound for hosting a great breakfast and warmly welcomed all the Governors.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.
Past president in attendance was Jerry Rosenzweig.
Guests: George Liebowitz was introduced as the new governor of Boca West. Steve Winokur was introduced as a new Captain of Indian Spring. Everyone enthusiastically welcomed them.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Treasurer report :Richard North reported on our income and expenditures as noted below..
Opening Balance: $1,972.08
Deposit 2016 Dues $2800
New Balance $4,772.08
Returned check $175
Returned check fee $ 12.50
Check #111-Booklets $983.42
New Balance $3,601.16
Committee Reports:
Booklet: Jerry Rosenzweig distributed this years edition.
Scoring & Handicap: Jay will distribute the new rosters with a recalculation of the Index based on the the best 4 of last 8 and as of April first the USGA Index will be used as the benchmark.
Scheduling: Delaire and Mizner will be playing all of their matches away due to regrassing of both courses. Due to difficulties at Woodfield on the 5/4 date because of scheduled aeration the match between Mizner and Woodfield will be played August 8th. We are waiting confirmation.
President's report: Chuck stated that since our next meeting is not until June he suggests that any situations be settled between Governors and if there is an impasse then either he be called and if unavailable then call Mike Lapkin
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Lapkin